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CONEXPO2011:Honda 动力展台(组图)

2011/03/25 11:43来源:第一工程机械网作者:余学翰

第一工程机械网 美国报道】3月22日至26日,随着美国CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011工程机械博览会在拉斯维加斯的召开,全球知名工程机械企业竞相在这场3年一届的大展上各展风采。与卡特彼勒、特雷克斯、小松、三一、徐工等世界知名主机制造商的霸气不同,各发动机制造商也井然有序地汇集在此,以沉稳的特质展示其最新的发动机技术。Honda 动力即是其中一员。


>> CONEXPO2011美国拉斯维加斯国际工程机械展会专题 

Honda  Engines 展台

 Honda  Engines GRV690 发动机 

 Honda  Engines 企业简介:

 Honda is the world's largest manufacturer of engines. In 2009 alone, Honda produced and marketed more than 23 million units globally for a diverse array of automotive, motorcycle, marine, and power equipment products.

Honda Engines offers a complete line of small, general purpose engines for commercial, rental industry, and consumer applications. Honda engines supply smooth and dependable power for more than 3,000 different product applications, including pressure washers, lawn mowers, and rescue and construction equipment.

Additionally, Honda engines are some of the quietest and easiest to start of their kind, even in harsh commercial and construction environments. These attributes have made Honda engines the popular choice for original equipment manufacturers looking to add value to their own brands. 

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